School Council
All government schools in Victoria have a school council. School councils are legal entities that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.
The overarching objective of a school council is to assist in the efficient governance of the school. Councils are required to comply with policies, guidelines, advice and directions issued under the Act by the responsible Minister.
School councils operate under a legislative framework within the Victorian government school system. They play a key role in:
supporting the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students
school accountability and improvement processes, and
the endorsement of key school planning, evaluation and reporting documents.
At Lysterfield Primary School we are supported by a group of parents on school council who are dedicated and committed to improving the school for the benefit of all students.
Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA)
We are well supported at Lysterfield PS by an active PFA that works hard to:
provide support, in various forms, for the school, its students and community
work in cooperation with the principal, staff and school council in building effective partnerships between home and school
get to know the parents of other children at the school and to support the operation of the school
raise funds for the school for special projects
arrange social activities for parents to develop connections across the school
Examples of the wonderful events and activities organised by the PFA are:
Prep Welcome BBQ
Easter Raffle
Mother’s Day / Father’s Day Stalls
Trivia Night
School Disco
Friday Fun Fair
Caring Casseroles
We believe parents are key partners in their child’s learning. By interacting with the school and other parents, PFA members gain a firsthand understanding of how schools operate, and can use their skills and experience to work collaboratively with others in supporting the school and its students.
All parents are welcome to attend meetings, 2025 Meeting dates are below.
Term 1: Friday 7th February, 2025 AGM - 9.15am & Thursday 13th March - 9.00am
Term 2: Wednesday 30th April - 9.00am
Term 3: Friday 8th August - 9.00am
Term 4: Thursday 16th October - 9.00am
End of Year dinner - To be confirmed
Parents and Friends Association email: