It is with great pride that I invite you to look through the website of our wonderful school. Lysterfield Primary is a curious and engaging learning community where we strive to exhibit a growth mindset that enables us to be our best.

The world is rapidly evolving, so we have a responsibility to ensure we are equipping our students with the skills, knowledge and capabilities to be successful in the future. Regardless, the greatest indicator of future success is the ability to be both literate and numerate. Students at LPS are supported by dedicated and caring staff who provide them with explicit learning opportunities to ensure they are literate, numerate and develop knowledge and a passion for lifelong learning. 

Visitors to our school are always impressed with the calm and orderly environment, developed through our explicit teaching of routines and structures, known as ‘The Pegasus Way’.  Across the school, we have established routines and consistency in learner and teacher protocols that ensure an environment where all students can reach their potential.

We design explicit learning that enables our students to fulfil the school vision of being Curious, Confident and Successful.  We put students at the centre of everything we do, including developing their social and emotional wellbeing to ensure all-around success.

If you would like to learn more about our school, please contact the office for a school tour.

I look forward to meeting you and joining you on your child’s journey through their primary education.


Warm regards


Adam Wight